save money live better meaning

The Meaning Behind “Save Money Live Better”

Being smart with finances is a concept that has been ingrained in our society. If you have been out in the world, the chances are high that you have heard the phrase “save money, live better.”  It seems like a simple quotation, but not everyone is clear on what the meaning is. What is the explanation behind “save money, live better?”

The meaning behind the quote is relatively simple. If you save money, you will have more money to spend on items that make your life better. You won’t need to waste your income on unnecessarily expensive things.

Read on to learn more about the quote “save money, live better” and other similar phrases. Many of these are great to keep in mind, as they provide excellent advice on keeping your money in your savings. Many stores also love these types of quotes for the appeal they provide to consumers.

What is the Meaning of “Save Money Live Better”?

You have probably heard the iconic “Save Money, Live Better” quote at least once in your life. It sounds simple enough, but what does this quote mean? What are the words trying to express to their audience?

In short, “Save Money, Live Better” means:

  • The more money you save, the more you can spend on things you want
  • The more things you have that you want, the better you can live

This definition is the simplest explanation for the meaning behind this quote.

“Save money, live better” is a quotation that has permeated society for a long time, in many different wordings. The more you save, the better you can live your life with the funds you have left in your bank account. It is practical and frugal advice that many can take to heart with zeal.

10 “Save Money Live Better” Quotes

Throughout history, many quotes embody the same tone as “Save Money, Live Better.” Each of them is critical and valid in its ways, spoken to life by various entrepreneurs and great thinkers throughout the existence of our world. Each quote is on-of-a-kind.

Read on to learn about ten different quotes similar to “Save Money, Live Better.” Each string of words has varying power, but all hold the same advice about money in an individual’s life. By reading these, you might find one that you can use for the rest of your existence.

“It is Thrifty to Prepare Today for the Wants of Tomorrow”

This unique quotation was coined by Aesop, a moral depicted after his tale, The Ant and the Grasshopper. While this quote is not directly talking about money, it still holds a similar meaning to “Save Money, Live Better.”

The quote “It is thrifty to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow” means that:

  • Preparing for the future now is always a good idea
  • Taking advantage of what you can now help you in the future

You can derive this meaning from Aesop’s iconic words.

Preparing for today, in terms of things such as savings, will help your future blossom up. You will be ready for emergencies, disasters, and even days when you need a little extra money to cheer yourself up. Preparing your funds by saving today will allow you to be ready for wants later.

“The Price of Anything in Life is the Amount of Life You Exchange for It”

This string of words is a shorter version of a quote by Henry David Thoreau. His words are accurate and ring true to those who put in a lot of work to earn their income. The life you exchange for anything in life is how much of yourself you put into it.

The quote “The price of anything in life is the amount of life you exchange for it” means:

  • You work hard to earn your income, putting your life into it
  • The amount of life you spend investing in an item is its true worth

You can pull this meaning from Thoreau’s wise words.

If you work hard for your money, saving it will allow you to live better and spare precious hours of your life. “Save money, live better” in action.

“If You’re Saving, You’re Succeeding”

Steve Burkholder spoke this quote into existence. It’s simple but is a statement that can help those with an income, young and old, to make intelligent choices about what they do with their finances.

The quote “If you’re saving, you’re succeeding” means:

  • Saving money is a good thing
  • Saving will get you far in life

You can determine this meaning from the words of Burkholder.

This quote is just another version of “Save money, live better.” The more you put into your savings, the more you will have in the future to live the life you want.

"A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned”

“A penny saved is a penny earned” is a quote attributed to many people, the two most popular selections being Benjamin Franklin and poet George Herbert. This stylish choice of words promotes the benefits of keeping funds rather than spending an excessive amount.

The quote “A penny saved is a penny earned” means:

  • Every time you save, the money still belongs to you
  • The more you save, the more you have

You can pull this meaning from this quote.

Just like “Save money, live better,” the more you save, the more you will have. This result will permit a life you can live to the fullest with complete financial support, thanks to your saving habits.

“Save Money and Money Will Save You”

“Save money, and it will save you” is a Jamaican proverb designed as a source of good advice for those that read it. Again, it emphasizes the critical nature of saving money as you go through life.

The quote “Save money and it will save you” means:

  • Saving money is a good thing to do
  • If you have saved money, one day, it might help you out of a tricky situation

This meaning comes from this Jamaican quote.

Saving money is a great thing to do, as you never know when life might throw a curveball at you. You can live better with the funds you put away for later.

“Wealth is the Ability to Fully Experience Life”

Anyone living knows that to experience many things. You need money. This phrase is another Henry David Thoreau quotation spoken to live many years ago, revealing how life is not about spending money. Saving will permit you to live life to the fullest.

The quote “Wealth is the ability to experience life to the fullest” means:

  • Money should not drive your life
  • You should save money, not allowing it to be what your life is

This meaning can be pulled from this quote.

Thoreau was a man who had a lot of wise things to say about how life should be lived. The more you save, the more you can experience a life not driven by the cash in your pocket.

“The Man is Richest Whose Pleasures are Cheapest”

Henry David Thoreau spoke these motivational words into existence. He is incredibly accurate, as those who do not spend an immense amount of enjoyment tend to enjoy life to the fullest.

The quote “The man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest” means:

  • Wealth does not equate to maximum fullness of life
  • Spending less can mean more fun

You can pull these from this quote.

The less you spend, the more fun you can have. The wise words of Henry David Thoreau were relevant back then when he first brought them to fruition, and they are just as relevant now in our modern-day and age.

“If You Would Be Wealthy, Think of Saving as Well as Getting”

This advice comes straight from Benjamin Franklin, one of the defining figures in the early days of the United States of America. His words help to clarify that wealth isn’t all about earning – it’s about what you do with the money you have.

The quote “If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting” means:

  • Earning money is just one part of being wealthy
  • To be rich, you need to think about what you can save along the way

You can derive this meaning from Franklin’s words.

If you want to become a wealthy person, saving money should be one of your top priorities. You will never be rich if you do not do anything productive with the funds you bring into your account. This meaning is where Benjamin Franklin’s quote mirrors the iconic “Save money, live better.”

“Never Spend Your Money Before You Have Earned It”

Another founding father, Thomas Jefferson, created this quotation. His words speak to those who are thrifty with their earnings, careful to only spend what they have already earned.

The quote “Never spend your money before you have earned it” means:

  • Spending money before you know you have it is a terrible idea
  • Those smart with money will have it in their hand before they buy anything

You can pull this definition from the quote.

Saving money allows you to have access to more money for spending. Jefferson’s wise advice runs right alongside our initial quote.

“Money is a Terrible Master but an Excellent Servant”

P.T. Barnum, ringmaster and entrepreneur, coined this string of words. Anyone who fancies themselves good with money can appreciate the meaning behind his words, portraying money as something that does well in your life when it is controlled.

The quote “Money is a terrible master, but an excellent servant” means:

  • Money is not good when you allow it to control you
  • Money can be used to your benefit if you understand how to control it

This is the meaning you can take from this quote.

Just like “Save money, live better,” Barnum’s quote speaks of the benefit that comes from having a say with what you do with your money. If you let it get away from you, you are setting yourself up for poor quality of life.

Even Walmart Changed Their Slogan to “Save Money Live Better”

“Save Money. Live Better” is so powerful that even Walmart adapted it as the center of their marketing campaign. They use the words to draw in shoppers, tempting them with the potential saving they can access when they shop to live a better life with extra money in their back pocket.

Everyone wants to save, especially those who have required shopping they do every single week. Walmart understands that and also understands the power of this quotation. It is something that has a universal appeal to those out in the world who want to save as much money as they can.


Saving money and living better are two things that most people want out of their lives. If you don’t have to spend a ton of money on unnecessarily expensive products, you can invest in the items that mean the most. It’s a genius and catchy string of words that appeal to many.

These quotes are excellent pieces of advice for anyone, no matter the income or walk of life they are on. “Save money, live better” is an excellent motto when dealing with shopping, both necessary and unnecessary.