Best insurance comparison sites

The 5 Best Auto Insurance Comparison Sites

Searching for car insurance can be very overwhelming with the number of agencies that can be found online. Everyone wants the best rates with the best coverage, but the searching process can be very time-consuming. When using an auto insurance comparison site, you will no longer need to retype your information into every new site.

Auto insurance comparison sites will take your information and search across the internet for the best rates in your area. The top five are:

  • Compare
  • Get Jerry
  • Insurify
  • Policy Genius
  • The Zebra

With these auto insurance comparison sites, you will take less time to find quotes at no cost to you.

Each auto insurance comparison site has its benefits or perks to using it. While all of the sites are free, some can be misleading, with loads of ads appearing all over the site. It is best to know which sites are worth the time and which are not. Read on to learn the top five auto insurance comparison sites and what they have to offer.

What Is an Auto Insurance Comparison Site?

An auto insurance comparison site is a free site you can use to search for insurance quotes that meet your needs. The site will take the information you input and do a large search to find the companies that will meet your criteria.

There is some information that you will need when using these sites:

  • All information of every driver
  • Driving history
  • Knowing what coverage you need
  • Marital status
  • Mileage
  • Occupation
  • Vehicle make
  • Vehicle model
  • Zipcode

The sites will then pull up every available car insurance company in your area. Some of the sites have real-time quotes, while others will only show general quotes that will change when you get to the actual provider’s site. It should not be by much, though.

Instead of searching every single website, you can come to one and input your information to find affordable car insurance. It is important to compare many different sites before purchasing car insurance. This will ensure you are getting the best rate for your situation.

After you find the right company for your needs, you will continue to their site. Your information should transfer right over, saving you time in your search.

What Do the Comparison Sites Actually Compare?

Auto insurance comparison sites compare a good bit of information to give you the best rate available at the time. They will also only show you companies that are in your area, unlike some which may show every nationally available option, then when you transfer to the next site, you are told that you can’t get it in your area. This is very frustrating and why it’s important to find a good site.

There are quite a few things that will be compared when using an auto comparison site. Some of the things the site will compare will be:

  • Amount of liability coverage
  • Collision and comprehensive deductibles
  • Cost of add on’s that the company may offer
  • Cost per month
  • Discounts
  • The full cost of the premium
  • Reward programs

The auto insurance comparison sites try to compare everything to do with cost and coverage. This will give you the best rates with the coverage that you need. It doesn’t matter if you have one vehicle or five; an auto insurance comparison site is the way to go.

The 5 Best Auto Insurance Comparison Sites

As mentioned above, it is very important to find the right site as you do not want to waste your time with ones that give misleading information. Below you will find the five best auto comparison sites to help you get the best rate possible.

Insurify is not just an auto insurance site; it is also a comparison site. You simply type in your zip code and navigate through the easy-to-use questions. Along the way, as you input the information, you will gather discounts in the “piggy bank” at the top right of the screen. They will add up as you answer certain questions.

If you click on the piggy bank, it will show each discount and what percentage you will get off due to that discount. For example, being able to check any of the following boxes will give you great discounts:

  • Currently insured
  • Good Student
  • Homeownership
  • Low Mileage
  • New Car
  • Safe driver

After going through the process, you will be brought to a page with a long list of different insurance companies. All you will need to do is click to view the deal, and you will be sent to a different page that lists the policy information. You will be able to see the:

  • Car coverage
  • Down payment
  • Driver coverage
  • Monthly payment
  • Policy length
  • Quote number
  • Rates
  • Underinsured motorist coverage
  • Uninsured motorist coverage

You can then call an agent to purchase that policy at the time if you would like. In under ten minutes, you can have many quotes at your fingertips to choose from.

Jerry insurance comparison site is said to be the easiest way to compare and buy car insurance, per their website. They have a very large list of auto insurance companies to search through. You can also bundle between:

  • Just car
  • Car and home
  • Car and renters

You will need a working phone to start the quote as it will make you log in with a code. They will try to use your phone number to pull up any information associated with it and your vehicles. After putting in a small amount of information, you can pick a few discounts that may apply to you, such as:

  • Defensive driving class
  • Education level
  • Grades of B or higher
  • Homeowner
  • Multicar
  • Not commuting to work
  • Occupation
  • Tracking you driving

All of these different discounts can add up to a low monthly payment or premium. Jerry has been featured on NerdWallet and Insurance Journal with great reviews. Jerry will quote shop for you over the next six months after your purchase.

They state that because insurance costs change so often, they will look up around 50 different places before you buy, at the three-month mark and after six months of having insurance. You simply download the app, and it will inform you when a lower rate is found.

This insurance comparison site is very great at giving real-time insurance quotes. Real-time quotes mean these are generated quotes based on your information at the time you typed it in. These will not be generic quotes. This is great because there are no surprises when you go to the page to purchase your auto insurance.

The Zebra will also not sell your email to other companies leaving you with tons of spam mail. Like many of the other sites, you enter a zipcode first to pinpoint what area you are in. The Zebra is an independent insurance advisor, per their website, and they also help with quote comparison. Not only do they have a website full of great information, but they also help with quotes.

You can get many different quotes at one time and get help along the way from the in-house agents. You will need the same type of information as all of the other sites. You can also request price bundling for your home and auto if needed.

The site is very easy to use as it will help navigate you through several questions to get a better understanding of what you are looking for. You can add up to for vehicles and a home quote at one time which is very nice for those that have many vehicles. They will look for quotes from over 50 different insurance companies to give you the best prices for your needs.

Compare.com works with many different insurance companies to help you find the right one for you. Many people love how simple the website is and how easy it is to navigate through its site. All you need is to enter your zip code to get help from the search engine to locate the right companies for your area.

This site also has different guides to help you along the way when searching for auto insurance, such as how much insurance each state requires. You will then enter any of the information you have on hand. The more information, the more accurate your quote will be.

You will also need to know the driver history for anyone that is above a driving age, even if they won’t be driving. This will give the best rates for your situation as age and driving history is a big decision on cost when it comes to insurance companies.

Not only will this site look up the information for you, but it will also explain why it asks certain questions. This will allow you to tell what raises your insurance or affects it the most. This site will show you a few different options for coverages, from the lowest to the highest form of coverages and everything in between.

It pulls up the information in a very organized and clean-looking way. It is very user-friendly, and you will have your quote in no time. This site will give real-time auto insurance quotes versus the generic ones that some sites may try to give you.

Some comparison sites stick to simply looking for auto or auto/home insurances. Policy Genius will not only find affordable car insurance but everything your family may need, such as:

  • Auto
  • Disability
  • Homeowners
  • Life
  • Pet
  • Renters

This is a great option and a favorite to many as it is your one-stop-shop for those that need to ensure many different parts of their life. You will be able to navigate through their website easily. With this site, it will not give you a quote immediately. They will instead gather all of the information that you put into the system and email you a quote within a couple of days. For those that need insurance faster or like to see prices instantly, it may not be a good fit.

Many people would rather have more questions to answer to get a real-time quote. If you can wait and need a lot of different quotes, the Policy Genius will be the perfect fit.

Easily Finding a Great Rate for Auto Insurance

It is easy to see finding an affordable auto insurance quote doesn’t have to take a lot of your time or cost money. Any one of these sites will work very well to find the exact policy you are looking for. You will effortlessly be able to search many different sites at once.